Energy Audit

Airtek-Plant Room Energy

An energy audit is the key to systematic approach to decision-making in the area of energy management.

The primary function of an energy audit is to identify all of the energy streams in a facility in order to balance total energy input with energy use.

The four main objective of an energy audit are as follows;

  • Establish an energy consumption baseline
  • Quantify energy usage according to its discrete functions
  • Benchmark with similar facilities under similar weather conditions and
  • Identify existing energy cost reduction opportunities.

Building Services

Plant Room Energy Saving Solution-Graph01

Chiller plant room audit – SOP

Visual inspection of chiller plant room. Understand the chiller plant configuration , No of equipments and operational sequence of equipments.
Requesting for Pre-Audit data for existing chiller plant room. Pre-audit data such as technical data sheet of all the chiller plant room equipments ,Evaporator & condenser water schematic , Chiller plant room power consumption , Building power consumption.
Conducting an audit for chiller plant room. Visiting site along with team to site with all the necessary equipment’s for performing audit of chiller plant room.
Monitoring & Recording the reading of all the chiller plant room equipment’s for pre-defined time period as per plant room size.
Reading recorded from equipmets display panel to cross verified with the help of equipmets.
Reading to be recorded at different ambient conditions and different load conditions.
Collecting data post audit Collect chiller log books for one complete year for all the chillers in the plant room.
Cross Verifying data. Verify the recorded data and convert any hard copy data to soft copy data.
Analyzing recorded reading and preparing audit report. Coverting all the recorded reading to fair reading , Analyzing all the collected data and  spot measurement and preparing the audit report.
Submitting & Presenting the final audit report to client.

Key Objective

Cooling Demand

Estimate peak and off peak cooling load by season

– Chiller plant log sheet
– BMS historical data
– Use Carrier’s HAP software


Calculate the projected peak and off peak efficiency by seasons

– Chiller plant log sheet
– BMS historical data
– Use Carrier’s HAP software

M&V Plan

Delivery the commitment

– Chiller plant log sheet
– BMS historical data
– Use Carrier’s HAP software

Have Questions? +91 9930943059

Timing is Mon- Sat 10.00 am to 07.00 pm